December 20, 2008


12/20/2008 Weather Discussion: Burrrr! We should make it through most of the day before the real action starts. A strong winter storm will pummel the PNW tonight. We can look forward to snow as far down as sea level with high east winds pushing through the mountain passes tonight. Long-term models show dry and warmer weather for the first part of next week. Another system is currently tracking toward the coast for later in the week. Forecast from Saturday 4pm to Sunday 4am Precipitation .5- .75 in. Water 6-10 in. Snow Temperatures Low -5 High 5 Winds 15-30 E Gust 40+ Forecast for Sunday 4am to 4pm Precipitation .25 in. Water 4-6 in. Snow Temperatures Low 0 High 15 Winds 5-15 E tapering TRENDS AND TIMING Precipitation: We shouldn’t see much snow before 4pm today. Snow will intensify over night and continue through most of tomorrow. Precip models are showing the snow turning to showers after noon and then ending around 7pm. Freezing levels: The temperature trend is the big mystery with this storm. Warm air approaching the mountains from the west and cold air to the east will battle, thus creating a strong temperature gradient (hence the high winds). Freezing levels should trend up from sea level to 2500’ through the night and then drop back down to 1000’ tomorrow. Surface temperatures here at the Pass are anyones guess. Winds: We can expect the wind to slowly pick up through the day and really start cranking after 4pm - gust to 50+mph possible. The wind event should be over by mid morning.

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