November 18, 2009


11/18/2009 Weather Short term: The next large frontal system is on its way and is expected to reach the Cascades tonight. This will again have a SW orientation, which means we will battle the rain snow level again. Long-term: The storm will begin to lift Thursday night. Snow showers with sun breaks will be possible on Friday/Saturday. The Jet stream seems to be locked in this pattern well into next week. 24 hour forecast starting at noon on Wednesday Precipitation “ Water: .75-1 “ of Snow: 12-18” temperatures (F): 4000’ Low: 28 High: 34 5000’ Low: 24 High: 32 Winds speed/Direction Pass level: ESE 5-15 Ridge top: SSW 10-15 TRENDS AND TIMING Precipitation: Snow should develop after 2 pm today and then ramp up through the night. If lucky, heavy snow will continue through most of tomorrow. There is a chance to get a rain/snow mix tomorrow afternoon/evening. Storm totals by 4pm Thursday are currently 1.5-+2” Freezing levels: Freezing levels will rise from 2500’ today to reach 4000’ by 4am tomorrow. Freezing levels will continue slowly rise to +5000’ around sundown tomorrow. The snow level will again depend on how the cold air mixed with the warm air…. Winds: Winds aloft will be SSW, which will drive the flow through the pass as easterly, this also help hold down surface temperatures. Gusty frontal winds will accompany this system, but the main high wind threat will be confined to the coast. jdm

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