February 25, 2010


2/25/2010 Weather

Short term: A strong frontal system will push up through the PNW tonight. This will bring heavy wet snow to the mountains for the morning commute.

Long-term: The weekend will start out with remnant snow showers, and then dry out on Sunday/Monday. Next week looks generally cooler with a NW flow pattern developing. I don’t think winter is quite done yet.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Thursday
“ Water: .25-.5
“ of Snow: 4-6

Temperatures (F):
4000’ Low: 28 High: 34
5000’ Low: 28 High: 32

Winds speed/Direction
Pass level: 0-5 W shifting easterly
Ridge top: 0-10 W Shift easterly

Precipitation: The snow showers will taper off this afternoon for a relatively dry 12 hours or so. The main moisture will show up early tomorrow morning (after 2am) and continue through most of the day. Rain snow mix will be possible on the lower mountain but should be mostly snow above 4500’ Storm totals by Saturday could exceed and inch of water.

Freezing levels: 4000-4500’. Freezing levels will hover right near pass level. East flow will help keep surface temps right at the freezing mark.

Winds: Strong east flow will develop overnight as the front approaches. Gusty frontal winds (20mph) will be possible. Wind should quickly taper off. JDM

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