March 13, 2010


3/13/2010 Weather

Short term: High-pressure will build over the inland NW today bringing partly sunny conditions and light snow showers.

Long-term: This ridge of high pressure will cause the incoming system to stall just off the coast. We can expect sun mixed with passing snow showers to continue through Monday. A significant warm up will start late Monday night and last through the middle of the week.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Saturday
“ Water: lt .25
“ of Snow: trace-2

Temperatures (F):
4000’ Low: 20 High: 32
5000’ Low: 18 High: 30

Winds speed/Direction
Pass level: 5-10 W shifting E
Ridge top: 5-15 W Shifting E

Precipitation: Some light snow showers will linger today as the atmosphere stabilizes. Tomorrow will be the same with some light snow showers and sun breaks.

Freezing levels: 2000’-3000’. The sun will push surface temps close to freezing today. Freezing levels will slowly rise during the next 24-48hours. Freezing levels will reach pass level on Monday and continue to climb above 6000’ on Tuesday.

Winds: These gusty westerlies will taper today. East flow will develop overnight. JDM

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