April 27, 2012

4/27/2012 Weather

General Discussion: The atmospheric pressure is currently on the rise over the mountains. This should begin to stabilize the atmosphere and dry up these light passing snow showers for the remainder of the day.

Long-term: Tonight and the rest of the weekend should be mostly dry and clear with day time temperature rebounding into the 40’s.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Friday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= .10
“of additional water by 4am= <.10
“of additional water by 12pm=0

24hr total “of water = .15

24hr Snow Total= trace

Trend and Timing:
Light passing snow showers will continue to be likely but less frequent through the next 24hrs.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 30 High: 44
Freezing level: 3500’ 5000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will hover around 4000’ through the night. Temperatures will rise into the mid 40’s tomorrow with freezing levels 5000’ or higher by the end of the day.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
0-5 W

Trend and Timing:
Light westerly winds as all.

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