November 30, 2012

Mountain Weather Forecast - Time: 0900

Another rain bullet will be fired at the resort today as freezing levels hover around mid mountain and more bands of precipitation move through the mountains.

Long-term: A cold front, entering the scene tomorrow morning, will bring cooler temperatures and snow to the Pass for the weekend.

24hr Accumulative Precipitation Totals Starting at Noon Today:
“Water by midnight= .5
“Of additional water by 4am= .10
“Of additional water by 12pm= .10

24hr (12pm-12pm) Inches of Water = .5 -.75

24hr (12pm-12pm) Inches of Snow =0-4 base area, 4-8 on the upper mountain.

Trend and Timing:
Moderate mixed rain and snow will continue for the next 24 hrs.

24hr Base Area Temperatures (F) Starting at Noon Today:
Low: 32 High: 36
Freezing level: 5000’ 4000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will remain +-5000’ through the night. Temperatures will begin to fall in the wake of tomorrow’s cold front. East flow will help keep surface temperatures near freezing.

24hr Winds Speed (mph)/Direction Starting at Noon Today
Base: 0-5 E
Ridge Top: 5-10 ESE shifting WSW

Trend and Timing:
East flow will continue through the night. A southwest wind shift is expected tomorrow. Watch for gusty ridge top winds tomorrow morning.

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