January 31, 2013

Continuous Carrier and Ghosting

Here are a couple of articles from beaconreviews.com. The first one talks about "continuous carrier signals" which are the reason that sometimes a digital beacon will indicate more signals than are present.


The second one is a review of the DSP, it is of the the full bells and whistles version, but the part that is interesting is where it talks about displaying more "little men" than actual buried beacons. This part is applicable to the DSP Tour, which is the version we issue.


Keep in mind that there are many digital beacons that will interpret continuos carrier this way. It's important to note that even though the display may show more little men than the actual number of buried beacons, the process of searching for the beacon is not affected. There is still only one (or two, etc.) signal being searched for and the beacon will interpret it as that.

Keep practicing!

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