January 3, 2013

Mountain Weather Forecast - Time: 1000

And yet another frigid morning with lows in the single digits. The temperature models are sure underestimating the low temperatures. The center of the high pressure has moved east into western Montana. This will make way for a frontal system to bring snow to the mountains tonight. Snow with warmer temperatures can be anticipated tonight and tomorrow.

Long-term: It is looking good for another active weather pattern to develop over the weekend and lasting through most of next week. Yes, more snow on the way.

24hr Accumulative Precipitation Totals Starting at Noon Today:
Water by 4am = + .25  Snow equivalent = 2-5

Total inches of water by noon tomorrow = .5
Total inches of snow by noon tomorrow = 4-8

Trend and Timing:
Snow will begin after 4pm today and strengthen overnight. Snow will quickly taper off tomorrow as another high pressure ridge develops.

24hr Base Area Temperatures (F) Starting at Noon Today:
Low: 12 High: 32
Freezing level: 2000’ 4000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will rise to near Pass level sometime early tomorrow morning. Surface temperatures will remain in the upper 20’s through most of the weekend.

24hr Winds Speed (mph)/Direction Starting at Noon Today:
Base: 5-10 E shifting W
Ridge Top: 5-15 E shifting W

Trend and Timing:
Westerly flow is expected to override the east flow sometime during the early morning hours. Gusty ridge top westerly winds will accompany the front tomorrow morning. East flow will re-establish and strengthen tomorrow night.

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