January 8, 2013

Mountain Weather Forecast -Time: 1000

 The next warm front will lift up from the southwest today. Once the front passes sometime this afternoon, the freezing levels will quickly rise to + 5000’ and the snow will change to rain. Heavy rain can be anticipated through the night.

Long-term: Tomorrow will be snowy with falling temperatures. High pressure, building off of the Oregon coast, will produce a drying trend for the Cascade Mountains starting Thursday. Dry and cool weather will likely continue through the weekend and well into next week.

24hr Accumulative Precipitation Totals Starting at Noon Today:
Water by 4am = +1 Snow equivalent = 8-12 prior to rain

Total inches of water by noon tomorrow = 1.5
Total inches of snow by noon tomorrow = ? temperature dependent.

Trend and Timing:
It could be possible to get close to a foot of new snow on the upper mountain before it changes to rain later today. Heavy rain will be likely tonight with snow returning during the early morning hours. Depending on when the rain changes back to snow an additional 3-6” by noon tomorrow will be possible.

24hr Base Area Temperatures (F) Starting at Noon Today:
Low: 26 High: 38
Freezing level: 3500’ 5500’ 2000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will increase with the passing of the front sometime after 2pm today. Temperatures will gradually fall through the night with freezing levels dropping back below 4000’ after 4am tomorrow morning. Temperatures will continue to decline through the day tomorrow.

24hr Winds Speed (mph)/Direction Starting at Noon Today:
Base: 0-5 E shifting SW
Ridge Top: 0-10 E shifting SW

Trend and Timing:
Winds will shift SW with the passing of the front this afternoon. Gusty SW winds should be anticipated along the ridge tops. The base area should be fairly protected from any strong winds. NW flow develops tomorrow.

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