February 24, 2013

Mountain Weather Forecast -Time: 0900

 Another vigorous frontal system will bring more heavy snow to the resort tonight. This storm will also have a temperature spike and high winds similar to the storm we had yesterday.

Long-range: Tuesday will be dry with another system approaching early Wednesday morning with more snow. The storm track shifts to a more southerly alignment as the week progresses, this could cause rain on Thursday/Friday.

24hr Accumulative Precipitation Totals Starting at Noon Today:
Water by 4am = .5+ Snow equivalent = 4-6

Total inches of water by noon tomorrow = .75 -1
Total inches of snow by noon tomorrow = 8-12

Trend and Timing:
Light snow showers can be expected through the day. Snow will ramp up late tonight with heavy snow expected through noon tomorrow.

24hr Base Area Temperatures (F) Starting at Noon Today:
Low: 24 High: 30
Freezing level: 3000’ 4000’ 2500’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will rise to 4000’ late tonight and then fall during the early morning hours. Temperatures will remain low through Tuesday.

24hr Winds Speed (mph)/Direction Starting at Noon Today:
Base: 0-5 E shifting W strengthening
Ridge Top: 0-10 E shifting W 15- 20 mph

Trend and Timing:
Winds will shift westerly with the passing of the front sometime around midnight. High westerly winds will, once again, be an issue through most of the day tomorrow. Gusts in the 40’s possible


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