February 26, 2013

Mountain Weather Forecast -Time: 0915

Today will cloudy with light snow developing tonight. Dry and partly sunny conditions are expected tomorrow and Thursday due to a weak high pressure ridge passing over the region.

Long-range: Southerly flow develops on Thursday. This will generate rising freezing levels and a chance of rain on Friday.

24hr Accumulative Precipitation Totals Starting at Noon Today:
Water by 4am = .25 Snow equivalent = 2-4

Total inches of water by noon tomorrow = .25
Total inches of snow by noon tomorrow = 2-4

Trend and Timing:
Light snow showers will develop tonight with just a few inches possible by 7am.

24hr Base Area Temperatures (F) Starting at Noon Today:
Low: 24 High: 30
Freezing level: 1500’ 3000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will slowly rise through the end of the week.

24hr Winds Speed (mph)/Direction Starting at Noon Today:
Base: 0-5 E shifting W
Ridge Top: 0-10 SE

Trend and Timing:
Light east flow will develop today and then shift southwesterly overnight.


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