February 13, 2013

Pass Mountain Weather Forecast - Time: 0930

The Puget Sound Convergence zone will keep driving light snow showers through Stevens Pass today. Tonight will be fairly dry with a similar light snow event arriving tomorrow.

Long-term: High pressure with rising temperatures will develop tomorrow night for a dry and warm day on Friday. Things radically change on Saturday as a strong cold front sweeps through the region. This will bring rapidly falling temperatures and snow on Saturday/Sunday.

24hr Accumulative Precipitation Totals Starting at Noon Today:
Water by 4am = <. 25 Snow equivalent = 1-2

Total inches of water by noon tomorrow =+.25
Total inches of snow by noon tomorrow =2-4

Trend and Timing:
The snow showers will taper off through the day. The next wave of light snow will arrive after 4am tomorrow morning.

24hr Base Area Temperatures (F) Starting at Noon Today:
Low: 24 High: 36
Freezing level: 3000’ 4500’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will begin to rise tomorrow morning. Freezing levels could top 6000’ by Friday.

24hr Winds Speed (mph)/Direction Starting at Noon Today:
Base: 5-10 WNW
Ridge Top: 5-15 WNW

Trend and Timing:
Winds will diminish today. WNW flow will continue through tomorrow with southerly flow developing on Friday.


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