March 25, 2014


Time and Day: Tuesday 1000

The Snapshot:  Periods of light rain and snow will be on the weather menu for the next few days. 

The Science:   The weakening low pressure system spinning off the NW coast will produce light snow and rain showers in the mountains for remainder of the week – a fairly typical spring pattern.   Weak high pressure ridges will form between the bands for dry periods and possible sun breaks.      

4-7day Long Range:  This pattern will likely continue into theweekend.


16hr Water by 4am tomorrow  =.25   Snow = 0-3
24hr water by noon tomorrow = .25   Snow = 0-3
Trend and Timing:
Light rain and snow showers will continue through tomorrow.
Base Temp and Freezing levels: 
Low: 26  High: 36
Freezing level: 5000’   4000’
Trends and Timing
Freezing levels will fall to just below 4000’ tonight.   Daytime temperatures will recover to the lower to mid 30’s.
Winds (mph)
Base: 0-5 WSW
Ridge Top:5-10 W
Trend and Timing:
Winds will flip flop between W and E as these bands of moisture come and go.




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