January 1, 2016


Time and Day: 1100 Friday

The Snapshot:   Happy 2016.  Brisk sunshine today and again tomorrow.  A change in the weather pattern is in the works with warmer temperatures and light precipitation on the way. 

The Science:  The high pressure that has dominated our weather is beginning to weaken and drift east.  This will allow a few weak disturbances with warmer air to make their way into the area starting on Sunday.  Cool air will remain trapped in the eastern basin maintaining east flow at the Pass while freezing levels inch towards +3000’ west of the crest during the next 36-48hrs.    

Long Range:  Bands of snow showers will begin on Sunday and last through the first half of next week.  

Precipitation ending at 4 am:
Today’s 24hr Water = 0   Snow =  0

Tomorrow’s 24hr Water = 0   Snow =  0

Trend and Timing:
No significant precipitation is expected through the weekend.

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 12 High: 22
Freezing level: +- 1500.'

Trends and Timing:
Surface temperatures will remain low through the weekend.  Daytime temperature will begin to recover into the mid to upper 20’s. 

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 0-10 E
Ridge Top: 5-15 E

Trend and Timing:
Easterly winds will continue through the remainder of the weekend.


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