January 11, 2016


Time and Day: 0630 Monday

The Snapshot:  A return to active weather starts today.  Snow vs. rain will be the game for the first half of the week.  

The Science:  A change in the weather pattern will begin today as several storm systems begin to make their way towards the PNW.   Light precipitation will spread inland today with the first band of moisture reaching Stevens Pass in a few hours.   Freezing levels will rise to near 4000’ with this passing of the fronts, so periods of wet snow with mixed rain will be possible.  A stronger front arrives tomorrow with moderate to heavy precipitation. Temperatures will be on the cusp of freezing with east flow influence through Wednesday. 

Long Range:  The week will end dry with clearing as a weak high pressure ridge passes between storms.  Another system is expected on Saturday packing more snow.   

Precipitation ending at 4 am:
Today’s 24hr Water = < .5   Snow = 2-4   

Tomorrow’s 24hr Water =  .75-1  Snow =  5- 8+

Trend and Timing:
Snow with periods of mixed rain begins today and intensifies tomorrow.  Snow accumulation amounts will be dependent on whether or not the freezing levels stay low enough. 

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 18 High: 32
Freezing level: 2500’- 4500.'

Trends and Timing:
Anticipate freezing levels reach +-4000’ by late this afternoon.   Freezing levels will remain near 4000’ but with east flow influence through Wednesday.  

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 0-5 E
Ridge Top: 0-10 E shifting SW

Trend and Timing:
East flow will remain at the surface while ridge top winds above 5000’ shift southwesterly tonight.  Winds aloft shift back to easterly or southeasterly tomorrow.


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