January 13, 2016


Time and Day: Wednesday 0500

The Snapshot:   There will be a chance of some rain mixed in with the snow this morning, then turning to snow showers later today.  Light snow showers with broken clouds tomorrow.

The Science:  A pocket of warm air pushed by an approaching cold front will briefly raise freezing levels this morning and then have them fall back down in the wake of the front.   This morning’s radar has the precipitation already turning to broken showers west of the mountains. Another frontal system will bring another round of snow Thursday night into Friday morning.

The Long Range:  This active storm cycle will continue through the holiday weekend with significant snow accumulation probable.

Precipitation Ending at 4am:

Today 24hr water = .5-.75 Snow = 4-8

Tomorrow’s 24hr water = .25 snow =  2-4

Trend and Timing:
Mixed rain and snow will shift to snow showers today.  Periods of moderate snow will continue today as the flow turns westerly.  Snow showers will linger into tomorrow.

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 24    High:  34
Freezing level:  4500’ – 3000’

Trend and Timing:   
Freezing level will fall in the wake of the cold front later today.

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 5-10 W
Ridge Top: 5-15 W gusty

Trend and Timing:
Wind shift westerly today and remain gusty.


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