January 14, 2016


Time and Day: 0630 Thursday

The Snapshot:  Light snow showers and partial clearing today and tomorrow.   The next round of measurable snow will start on Saturday.

The Science:   A system skirting across the southern portion of the state today will spin band of light snow north towards Stevens Pass.  Some upper-level ridging will also cool the atmosphere over the mountains, and allow some partial clearing during the next few days.   

The Long Range:  Another frontal system arrives early Saturday morning for the next round of snow. The weekend snow totals could exceed 12”. 

Precipitation Ending at 4am:

Today 24hr water = .25 Snow = 1-3

Tomorrow’s 24hr water = .25  snow = 2-4

Trend and Timing:
Light snow showers will clear periods today and tomorrow. 

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 22   High: 30
Freezing level: +- 3500’

Trend and Timing:   
Freezing levels west of the crest will remain around 4000’ while cooler air to the east holds surface temperatures in the mid 20’s.

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 0-10 E
Ridge Top: 5-15 E

Trend and Timing:
The winds will taper off this morning and shift easterly.


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