January 15, 2016


Time and Day: 0800 Friday

The Snapshot:  Snow showers this afternoon, big snow for the holiday weekend.

The Science:  Clouds will thicken today with snow showers out front of two frontal systems approaching the Pac NW tonight.  The first front will arrive after midnight tonight with heavy snow and freezing levels rising to around 4000’.  There will be a short break between storms early Sunday morning with the next front intensifying precipitation during the day.   Freezing level will inch towards 4500’ on Sunday for a possibility of some mixed rain.    

The Long Range:  Light snow showers with sun breaks can be expected on MLK day with more storms on the way next week.

Precipitation Ending at 4am:

Today 24hr water = .25 - .5 Snow = 2-5

Tomorrow’s 24hr water = .75-1 snow = 8-12

Trend and Timing:
Snow showers begin today.  The main show starts early tomorrow morning  (+-4am) with heavy snow through the day.

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 24    High: 30
Freezing level: 2500’ – 4000’

Trend and Timing:   
Freezing levels west of the crest will rise to +-4000’ by tomorrow morning.  East flow will keep surface temperature below freezing through the night.

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 0-10 E
Ridge Top: 5-10 ESE

Trend and Timing:
East flow at the surface while +5000’ winds trend southerly.    Winds shift westerly and become gusty tomorrow night.


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