January 2, 2016


Time and Day:  0600 Saturday

The Snapshot:  Today will be similar to yesterday with cool temperatures and sunshine.  Light snow arrives tomorrow night. 

The Science: Clouds and warmer air will arrive tomorrow as the high-pressure ridge drifts east into the intermountain west.  Bands of moisture will lift up from the south tomorrow night for a few inches of snow for Stevens Pass.  Freezing levels are expected to rise to near 4000’ on Monday morning, but cool east flow should remain intact until Tuesday.

High pressure will try and build again on Monday but be fairly weak; therefore, spotty snow showers with clear periods can be anticipated for the most of the new week.
Long Range:  Stevens Pass should begin to feel the effects of a stronger frontal system taking shape for the upcoming weekend or early next week.   Stay tuned as those details develop.   

Precipitation ending at 4 am:
Today’s 24hr Water = 0   Snow =  0

Tomorrow’s 24hr Water = .25   Snow = 2-4

Trend and Timing:
Snow arrives late tomorrow night.

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 12 High: 24
Freezing level: +- 1000.'

Trends and Timing:
Temperatures will remain low until early Monday morning.

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 0-10 E
Ridge Top:  5-15E

Trend and Timing:
Easterly winds will strengthen today.  Winds aloft shift SSE late tomorrow night. 


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