January 5, 2016


Time and Day: 0700 Tuesday

The Snapshot:  Passing snow showers with warmer temperatures can be expected today.   Drying begins tomorrow and will last through the upcoming weekend.  Yes, the long range outlook has changed.  

The Science:  A low-pressure system, stalled off of the Oregon coast, will continue to spin band of moisture up through the Cascade Mountain Range today and tomorrow.   Models have this low-pressure cell tracking south into the California waters during the next 24-48hrs; this will allow high pressure to build over the NW creating a split flow pattern.  Therefore, expect the rest of the week to be mostly dry with partial clearing.   

Long Range:  The upcoming weekend is shaping up to be dry and cold under building high pressure.  This split flow pattern will likely last into the start of the new week.

Precipitation ending at 4 am:
Today’s 24hr Water =  .25 Snow = 2-4  

Tomorrow’s 24hr Water = .10   Snow = 1-3

Trend and Timing:
Light snow showers diminishing by noon tomorrow.

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 22 High: 28
Freezing level: +-3500.'

Trends and Timing:
Freezing levels, influenced by the east flow, will hover near 3500’ for the next few days.   Cooling towards the end of the week.

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 0-5 E
Ridge Top:  5-10 ESE

Trend and Timing:
Easterly (downslope) winds will continue through the week.


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