January 8, 2016


Time and Day: 0600  Friday

The Snapshot:  More of the same today; mostly dry with a broken layer of clouds lapping up against the summit.  There will be a chance of a dusting of snow tomorrow night.

The Science: Temperatures will be a bit cooler today as east flow strengthens a bit.  A weak low pressure system is expected to track up along the west slopes of the mountains tomorrow bringing a bit of light snow to Stevens Pass.  No significant accumulation expected.

Long Range:  High pressure strengthens on Sunday for clearing and more dry weather for beginning of the week.   Long range models now have a system breaking through the pressure ridge some time on Wednesday. Stay tuned as those details become clearer.

Precipitation ending at 4 am:
Today’s 24hr Water = 0   Snow = 0  

Tomorrow’s 24hr Water = .10   Snow = 0-1

Trend and Timing:
Dry today with a chance of light snow tomorrow night.

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low:24  High: 30
Freezing level: 3500’ – 2500’

Trends and Timing:
Freezing levels begin falling tonight.

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 0-10 E
Ridge Top: 5-10 E

Trend and Timing:
East winds remain at the surface while ridge top winds shift southerly over the next 24-36hrs.


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