October 6, 2016


Time and Day:  9:00 Thursday.

The Snapshot: Light rain showers with partial clearing today, heavy rain begins tonight with a potential wet weekend ahead.  Snow in the higher elevations (+5500’) likely tonight.  

The Science:  Some weak mid-level ridging will create a relatively quiet weather day today.  A strong, fast-moving low-pressure system will hit the coast today with heavy precipitation and wind heading into the mountains tonight.  This system will mix with some cold air as it compresses against the mountains, so snow above 5500’ with mixed rain and snow at Stevens will be possible.   The storm will quickly move through overnight with intermittent showers left in its wake tomorrow.

The weekend could be rather wet at Stevens Pass with a steady flow of precipitation making its way into the Puget Sound Convergence Zone.  Freezing levels rise to 8000’ on Saturday so any snow accumulation will quickly liquefy.  Models disagree on where the Convergence Zone will settle, the bulk of the moisture could be pushed north, time will tell. 

The Long Range:   Next week will start out dry with another series of wet storms arriving mid-week.

Precipitation Ending at 4am:

Today 24hr water = .5  Snow = trace

Tomorrow’s 24hr water = .25 .5snow = trace

Trend and Timing:
Mixed snow and rain arrive after sunset tonight.  Heavy rain expected overnight with intermittent showers tomorrow.

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 36    High: 44
Freezing level: +- 5500’

Trend and Timing:   
Temperatures will hover near 400f  through the night with early morning lows in the mid 300f
24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base:  0-10  E shifting W strengthening
Ridge Top: 5-10 SW strengthening

Trend and Timing:
 A high wind advisory will begin early tomorrow morning with SW ridge top winds +50mph possible.



Anonymous said...
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John Meriwether said...


8:00am Start for 4/15/2024 - TEAR DOWN

 Great Last Day!