February 20, 2017


Time and Day:  0630 Monday

The Snapshot:  3” of snow fell overnight with light snow continuing today. Light snow showers and cooler temperatures move in tomorrow with this pattern extending for the remainder of the week.

The Science:  There is light snow falling this morning which marks the beginning of the approaching storm.   The center of the low is expected to track (from the SW) directly over the mountains; this will keep the bulk of the moisture to the southeast of Stevens Pass.  Stevens could squeeze up to 5” inches of snow out of this system today.  Pressure gradients weaken overnight with cooler and drier NW flow filling in tomorrow. Therefore, expect the precipitation to taper down to light snow showers with freezing levels dropping to around 2000’ or lower heading into Wednesday.  

The Long Range:   A Rex block is expected to form well offshore this week.  This will allow unstable, cool and but mostly dry air to flow through the PNW for the week. 

Precipitation Ending at 4am:
Today 24hr water = .25-.5 Snow = 3-5
Tomorrow’s 24hr water = .25 snow = 1-3

Trend and Timing:
Light snow today diminishing overnight, mostly dry tomorrow with a few passing snow showers possible.  Models do disagree with tomorrow snow track, so stay tuned as those details develops.

24hr temperature ending at 4 am tomorrow: 
Low: 22    High: 30
Freezing level: 3500’ falling

Trend and Timing:   
Freezing levels will hover around 3500’ through the day and then begin to fall tomorrow.   Daytime warming should be expected with surface temperatures possibly reaching 320f .

24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4 am tomorrow:
Base: 0-10 E shifting WSW
Ridge Top: 5-10 E shifting WSW

Trend and Timing:
The winds will shift westerly later today with some gusty frontal winds possible tonight.


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