December 30, 2017

Mountain Weather Forecast

Time and Day:  0630 Saturday

The Snapshot:   Light snow ending today, clear and warming Sunday.

Current Observations:  It’s currently snowing lightly with strong, gusty winds. Temperatures are 30 in the base area and mid 20’s on the upper mountain. There was a freezing rain event last night that has capped most of our new snow from yesterday. RH is 90% and the barometer is rising.

The Science:   A low pressure trough moved through yesterday afternoon/evening, dragging with it a warm upper level air-mass. Stevens Pass dodged the bullet for a while, but freezing rain accumulated between about 5pm and 8pm yesterday. In the trough’s wake this morning we have gusty (40-50mph) westerly winds with light snowfall. Strong west winds continuing for the next few hours should support orographic snow showers this morning, which will become light and end completely midday. High pressure builds in tonight and Sunday.

The Long Range: The high pressure ridge will build in strength and be in place for the start of the new year, with freezing levels around 6-8k’ Monday and Tuesday.

24hr Precipitation ending at 4am:
Today 24hr water:  .25    Snow: 2-4”
Tomorrow’s 24hr water:  0    Snow: 0

Trend and Timing:
Light snow ending midday Saturday, dry Sunday.  

24hr temperature ending at 4am: 
Low: 25    High: 30
Snow level: 2000

Trend and Timing:   
Temps will remain cool thru Sunday morning, and begin to warm Sunday afternoon.
24hr Winds (mph) ending at 4am:
Base: W 20-30, then light East
Ridge Top: W40-50 gusty, then WNW 10-15

Trend and Timing:
The strong winds we are seeing this morning should diminish midday and become light and variable overnight.     


1 comment:

John Meriwether said...

Bummer that the warm front that was stalled to the south of Stevens all day yesterday decided to push north late last night. As Dan stated above, we are heading into a dry and relatively warm stretch. Watch for east west inversion condition to set up over the next few days. Happy New Year.

8:00am Start for 4/15/2024 - TEAR DOWN

 Great Last Day!