November 25, 2009


11/25/2009 Weather Short term: The sun should poke out for a few hours today before it is shadowed by thickening clouds moving ahead the next approaching system. It is currently sunny and warm above the inversion layer at Dudley’s. Warm and wet will be the mix for the next 24-36 hours. Long-term: There will be short-lived break on Friday before the next system starts to effect the weekend. Models differ on what the weekend will bring so I will wait until tomorrow to get a fix on that. 24 hour forecast starting at noon on Wednesday Precipitation “ Water: .5 -.75 “ of Snow: 0 temperatures (F): 4000’ Low: 38 High: 44 5000’ Low: 34 High: 40 Winds speed/Direction Pass level: 0-10 SE Ridge top: 5-15 SW TRENDS AND TIMING Precipitation: Rain will develop after 2pm today and continue through the night. The heavy rains will hopefully be held to the SW of Stevens. Rain will continue tomorrow and slowly turn to snow overnight. Snow is expected for Friday and Saturday. Storm totals by Friday morning could exceed 2” of water. Freezing levels: Freezing levels will peak close to 8000’ today and remain well above pass level until noon tomorrow. A cold front moving through tomorrow will eventually bring freezing temperatures back below pass level tomorrow night. Winds: South flow aloft will drag easterly surface winds through the pass until the inversion lifts. SW flows will then take over and remain in place through Friday morning. jdm

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