December 4, 2009


12/4/2009 Weather Short term: Windy! The pressure gradients between the east and the west are producing these gusty conditions. It will remain breezy today as cool NE air moves into the region. Could see a flurry or two as a system passes to the northeast. Long-term: A blocking ridge off the northwestern coast will drive the main storm track into southern California through most of next week. This will only allow small disturbances into the PNW. 24 hour forecast starting at noon on Friday Precipitation “ Water: lt .10 “ of Snow: 0-2 temperatures (F): 4000’ Low: 16 High: 24 5000’ Low: 12 High: 20 Winds speed/Direction Pass level: 5- 10 N Ridge top: 5-15 NE gusty TRENDS AND TIMING Precipitation: Flurries possible today as a system drift past to the northeast. The rest of the weekend will be dry with a chance of some more light snow on Sunday. Freezing levels: Freezing levels will drop today to reach sea level or below tomorrow. Temperatures will remain very low through the weekend. Lows will drop to single digits on Sunday. Winds: Winds should taper today as the flow swings more easterly. Gusty easterlies will continue through the weekend. Could have a strong east flow wind event on Sunday. jdm )

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