February 9, 2010


2/9/2010 Weather

Short term: Surface clouds will continue to be pulled through from the east today, but the sun should be shining strong on the ridge.

Long-term: An active weather pattern will begin tomorrow as the northern jet stream drives a series of disturbances into the PNW. Freezing levels going up and down, snow changing to rain and then back to snow will be the game through the weekend.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Tuesday
“ Water: 0
“ of Snow: 0

Temperatures (F):
4000’ Low: 24 High: 34
5000’ Low: 22 High: 28

Winds speed/Direction
Pass level: 0-5 E
Ridge top: 0-10 E

Precipitation: The next 24 hours will remain dry. Snow will arrive tomorrow afternoon and continue through the night -might have some nice accumulation on the ground by Thursday morning. Hold your excitement – snow is likely to change to rain on Thursday- then back to snow on Friday.

Freezing levels: Freezing levels will stay below pass level until Thursday morning. Surface temps with the aid of the sun could climb above freezing today. Models currently show freezing levels rising to 6000’ on Thursday then falling back down below pass level on Friday. This yo-yo pattern in the Freezing levels will be the pattern through the entire series of storms.

Winds: Light east flow will hold in there until Thursday morning when SW flow aloft is expected to override. JDM

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