April 1, 2010


4/1/2010 Weather

Short term: Clouds will thicken and some light snow showers will develop this afternoon. A strong cold front will bring heavy snow and wind tomorrow.

Long-term: This storm should be over late Saturday. Sunday/Monday looks relatively dry, similar to the last few days. NW flow will bring another potential snow producer on Tuesday.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Thursday
“ Water: .25-.5
“ of Snow: 4-6

Temperatures (F):
4000’ Low: 24 High: 32
5000’ Low: 22 High: 30

Winds speed/Direction
Pass level: 0-5 W shifting E
Ridge top: 0-10 W shifting E

Precipitation: Light snow showers will persist through the night. The main push of moisture will arrive after 4am tomorrow. Moderate to heavy snow with convergence will develop tomorrow. Storm totals by Saturday morning are currently exceeding 2” of water. We will see.

Freezing levels: 2000’-3000’. Freezing levels will remain in our favor through Saturday. Could see freezing levels as low as a 1000’ early Saturday morning.

Winds: Light westerly flow will briefly swing east tomorrow morning as the front moves east of the Sound. Strong westerly convergence winds will push through the pass tomorrow afternoon with the potential of sustained 40+mph winds through the night. Winds should taper and shift southerly early Saturday morning. JDM

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