February 28, 2011


2/28/2011 Weather

24HR FORECAST starting at NOON today

Water - .25 Snow - 2-4
Freezing levels - 1000'
Winds 0-10 WSW

General Discussion: The low pressure cell, just off the southern Canadian coast, responsible for all this great snow, will begin to weaken today. Another system is driving up from the SW which will bring more precipitation and warmer temperatures to the mountains.

Long-term: This active weather pattern is expected to continue through the week. “In like a lion…”

Precipitation: The snow is expected to lighten up today but continue. Snow will intensify tomorrow afternoon as the next system arrives.

Freezing levels: Freezing levels will begin to rise tomorrow afternoon and could briefly reach 4000’ early Wednesday morning.

Winds: Winds will also begin to mellow today. The wind is expected to shift SW then E over the next 24 hrs.

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