March 9, 2011


3/9/2011 Weather

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Wednesday

Water - .75  Snow: 6-10
Freezing Levels - 4000' rising to 4500'
Winds  0-15 ESE  shifting SW

General Discussion: A low pressure system hanging off the BC coast will drive more moisture into the mountains tonight and tomorrow. We should have a well deserved break on Friday and Saturday before the next round of storms rolls in.

Long-term: Long range models continue to show confidence in a consistent NW storm track parading several storms through the PNW for the extended period. Expect significant snow in the Cascade Mountains again next week.

Precipitation: Heavy snow will continue until noonish today. Snow will briefly change to showers this afternoon before the next system arrives tonight. Heavy snow, rain/snow mix will start around midnight and continue through tomorrow.

Freezing levels: Freezing levels will rise to 4500’ today and remain near pass level through tomorrow morning. A cooling trend will begin tomorrow with freezing levels falling to +-2500’ on Friday.

Winds: Strong SW flow aloft will bring fickle winds at pass level. Winds will swing back and forth from east and west as these systems move through. Strong westerly flow, with ridge top gust in the 50mph range, are showing up on the models for tomorrow night.

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