March 18, 2011


3/18/2011 Weather

24HR FORECAST starting at NOON today

Water - .5 Snow 4-8
Freezing Levels - 3000' steady
Winds - 0-10 E shifting W

General Discussion: Bands of moisture will continue to move through the PNW throughout the weekend.

Long-term: The advertised drying trend, with periodic bands of moisture, is still on track for the upcoming week. It seems that the atmosphere is in its classic chaotic state of trying to figure out what season it wants to be.

Precipitation: A moderate to heavy cell of snow is expected to move through the mountains this evening. Snow should quickly taper off around midnight with just spotty showers following tomorrow morning.

Freezing levels: Freezing levels will slowly rise from 3000’ to 4000’ by the end of the weekend.

Winds: East flow will weaken today and shift westerly through the night. General southerly flow aloft will eventually shifts easterly again by the end of the weekend.

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