November 19, 2011



General Discussion: The weekend is shaping up to be very nice for hanging out in the mountains.

Long-term: The next significant weather event is expected to hit the mountains early Monday morning. This will bring rising freezing levels, heavy precipitation and winds to the PNW for the Thanksgiving week.

It is still a bit too far out to be confident in the details of the approaching storm. But, as of now, the models suggest that we will get moderate to heavy snow on Monday with the snow changing to rain sometime late Monday night or early Tuesday morning -freezing levels rising to +5000’. A cold front is expected on Tuesday with another round of heavy snow. Early precipitation water equivalent storm totals are +3” by Thanksgiving day.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Saturday

“Water: lt.10 by 4am. 24hr total by noon= lt.10

“Of Snow: Trace by 4am. 24hr total by noon= trace

Trend and Timing:
Some light snow showers mixed with the sunshine will be possible today and tomorrow.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 16 High: 24

Freezing level: 500’ - 1000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will dip below 1000’ today and tomorrow. Day time surface temperatures could push into the upper 20’s with the aid of the sun.

Winds Speed/Direction
0-5 E

Trend and Timing:
East flow will continue to move through the Pass until Monday. With some luck, the east flow will hold off the rain Gods for longer than the models are currently indicating.

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