December 2, 2011


12/2/2011 Weather

General Discussion: The high pressure system, sitting off the PNW coast, shifted slightly to the east last night. This shift allowed some cool, unstable air to makes its way south, hence the dusting of snow. These small weak disturbances with periods of sun shine will be the pattern through the weekend.

Long-term: With the exception of few disturbances hanging around, this dry weather pattern is expected to continue into and possible through next week. A change is anticipated by the middle of next week with a more active winter weather pattern hopeful by next weekend.

Another point of interest is that the same large high pressure system off our coast is also responsible for the record breaking Santa Ana winds in California. Impressive 180mph east winds pouring of the Sierra Mountains.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Friday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= trace

“water by 4am=0

24hr total “of water = lt .10

24hr Snow Total= trace

Trend and Timing:
Some very weak showers will be likely. Dry conditions will prevail through the weekend.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 22 High: 30

Freezing level: 2500’ - 3500’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will fluctuate between 2500’ and 4000’ through tomorrow. Northerly flow coupled with clear nights could allow surface temperatures to dip into the teens. Diurnal fluctuations above and below freezing for you snow and weather geeks.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
5-10 N

Trend and Timing:
Northerly flow will shift NW during the next 24hrs. East slopes will continue to see some gusty winds due to the temperature gradients.

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