December 22, 2011


12/22/2011 Weather

General Discussion: You better enjoy this beautiful day because it is about to change. The first of several fronts will move through the PNW starting tomorrow.

Long-term: Strong westerly flow, powered by the northern jet, will set the stage for several storms to track towards the PNW. For now Sunday is looking the best for significant snow with another storm hot on its heels to the start out the week. My only concern is the freezing levels; the freezing levels are expected to bounce between 3000’ and 6000’ as these storms move through. So we may have to endure a little rain along with the snow.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Thursday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= 0
“water by 4am= <.10
24hr total “of water = <.25

24hr Snow Total= 0-2

Trend and Timing:
Light snow showers will develop during the early morning hours and continue through the day tomorrow.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 22 High: 32

Freezing level: 1500’ 4000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will rise to Pass level later today. Temps will hover near freezing through tomorrow.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
0-5 E changing to 10-20 W

Trend and Timing:
Westerly flow is expected strengthen tomorrow with potential ridge top winds topping + 20mph. The winds will be something to contend with through this entire storm cycle.

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