December 23, 2011


12/23/2011 Weather

General Discussion: It is nice to see some new snow. The groomers did a ton of work in Mill Valley, so take advantage of that if you can. After a relatively dry night, a warm front will bring a batch of moisture to the mountains tomorrow. Unfortunately this looks to be on the warm side.

Long-term: A Christmas present for us all; Temperatures will drop on Sunday with a good dose of snow likely. More snow is expected throughout the week with a better looking temperatures regime.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Friday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= 0
“water by 4am= <.10
24hr total “of water = .25-.5

24hr Snow Total= 0-2

Trend and Timing:
These snow showers will taper off once the cold front moves east off the crest later today. Tonight will be relatively dry with a warm front arriving early tomorrow morning. Rain in the base area with mixed rain and snow above 4500’ is expected tomorrow. It will be all said-and-done by noon as the precipitation quickly lifts north.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 26 High: 38

Freezing level: 3500’ 5000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels are expected to reach 5000’ by noon tomorrow. Freezing levels will drop back below Pass level Sunday morning.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
5-15 WSW

Trend and Timing:
Westerly flow will be relatively light today with some gusty periods possible. Winds will shift southerly tomorrow.

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