December 24, 2011


12/24/2011 Weather

General Discussion: The moisture will lift north today for a relatively dry night. A cold front will bring snow to the mountains tomorrow. Timing will be everything whether or not we will see a little rain at the start. But is should be mostly snow through the meat of the day.

Long-term: A nice PNW storm cycle is underway so expect active weather to finish out the year. The freezing levels will be near Pass level for most of the approaching storms, so keep your fingers crossed.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Saturday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= .10
“water by 4am= .10
24hr total “of water = +.25

24hr Snow Total= 2-5

Trend and Timing:
Things will quickly begin to dry out this afternoon. A few lingering showers will hover over the crest through the night. Snow is expected after 7am tomorrow and should continue through the day. The bulk of the precipitation will likely fall later in the day.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 30 High: 36

Freezing level: 5000’ 3500’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will peak near 5000’ today and stay high through the night. Freezing levels are expected to drop below pass level after 7am tomorrow morning.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
5-10 SE shifting to 10-12 W tomorrow

Trend and Timing:
Southerly flow, which will move through pass from the east, will continue through the night. Watch for strong westerly winds tomorrow as convergence conditions develop. Winds will begin to taper off after 4pm.

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