December 26, 2011


12/26/2011 Weather

General Discussion: The next few days will be very active with moderate to heavy precipitation likely.

Long-term: Several low pressure systems tracking across the Pacific will continue to drive storms through the PNW for the remainder of the week. Freezing levels will continue to hover near or above Pass level so expect snow, mixed rain/snow and periods of all rain throughout the week. Water equivalent totals for the week could exceed 3”.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Monday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= .25
“water by 4am= .25
24hr total “of water = .5

24hr Snow Total=4-6

Trend and Timing:
Snow will develop this afternoon and continue through the night. There will be a small (hardly noticeable) break before the next round of precipitation moves in tomorrow. Expect moderate to heavy mixed rain and snow tomorrow and with a chance of rain on Wednesday.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 22 High: 36
Freezing level: 2000’ 4500’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will hover around 2500’ through midnight. Freezing levels will then rise to Pass level during the early morning hours. Surface temperatures will be near or above freezing through tomorrow. Freezing levels are expected to rise above Pass level on Wednesday.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
0-5 E surface
10-20 W ridge tops.

Trend and Timing:
East flow will hang around through the day. Strong westerly flow is expected above 4500’ tomorrow. Sporadic and strong gusty winds will be possible with these fronts.

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