January 17, 2012


1/17/2012 Weather

General Discussion: It’s great to finally see a fat powder day. There will be a brief break in the action tonight before the next system arrives early tomorrow morning. The meat of the next storm is expected to track up the Columbia River Gorge, so it is likely that we will not get the brunt of the action. We will, however, get some nice spin off snow tomorrow non-the-less.

Long-term: The jet stream seems to be content driving potent storms through the PNW. Therefore, we should expect active winter weather to continue through the upcoming weekend. Freezing levels currently look to be in our favor for most of the precipitation to be in the form of snow.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Tuesday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= .25 -.5
“ of additional water by 4am= <. 10
24hr total “of water = .5 -.75

24hr Snow Total= 6-10

Trend and Timing
Moderate snow will continue today and then briefly taper off this evening for a few quiet hours. Snow will ramp back up around 4am and continue through tomorrow.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 12 High: 22
Freezing level: 500’ – 1500’

Trend and Timing:
Cool air will continue to poor over the Cascade Crest thanks to the Fraser River Outflow. Warmer air from the SW is expected to raise freezing levels to near Pass level towards the end of the week. Our east flow friend will help keep surface tempers at or below freezing through this period.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
10-15 W tapering.

Trend and Timing:
Winds will begin to mellow out this afternoon and then switch to easterly over night.

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