April 4, 2012


4/4/2012 Weather

General Discussion: Weak pressure gradients along with cool NW flow will keep the threat of light snow showers with periods of sun in the forecast for the remainder of the week.

Long-term: A low pressure system is expected to develop off the western coast over the weekend. This is expected to stay off shore, so moisture is not much of a concern for the mountains. What this will likely do is draw up warm air from the interior south, which will allow temperatures rise. We could see the warmest temperature of the year by early next week. Unstable convection could also bring thunderstorms into the discussion.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Wednesday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight=<.10
“of additional water by 4am=.05
“of additional water by 12pm= .05

24hr total “of water = +- .10

24hr Snow Total= 0-2

Trend and Timing:
Uneventful light snow showers will persist for the next few days.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 18 High: 24
Freezing level: +- 2500’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will remain well below pass level through Friday.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
0-10 WNW

Trend and Timing:
Light NW flow will continue to move over the mountains for the remainder of the week.


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