April 19, 2012


4/19/2012 Weather

General Discussion: The approaching warm front will push a rather juicy storm through the PNW tonight and tomorrow. We can expect moderate to heavy rain for most of the resort.

Long-term: High pressure is expected to bring dry and warm weather for the weekend.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Thursday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= .5
“of additional water by 4am=.25
“of additional water by 12pm=.25

24hr total “of water = .75-1

24hr Snow Total= 0- 3

Trend and Timing:
The rain should arrive sometime this afternoon and continue through tomorrow. Rain could be heavy at times. Some wet heavy snow will be possible on the upper mountain but it will be very wet and probably not accumulate too much.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 34 High: 40
Freezing level: 4000’ 6000’

Trend and Timing:
Freezing levels will rise through the day and then drop a bit as the following cold front moves in late tonight or early tomorrow. Surface temperatures will remain seasonally average and may top 50f on Sunday.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
0-5 E shifting W

Trend and Timing:
Light east flow will develop today and then shift westerly overnight. The winds don’t seem to be much of a factor with this storm.


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