December 1, 2011


12/1/2011 Weather

General Discussion: The large high pressure cell circulating off the PNW coast will continue to produce dry and sunny weather over the Cascades Mountains through the weekend.

Long-term: Long range predication models start to show signs of the northern jet shifting to a NW orientation early next week. This will be our next best chance to get some winter storms heading our way.

24 hour Forecast Starting at NOON on Thursday

Cumulative Precipitation Totals:
“water by midnight= 0

“water by 4am=0

24hr total “of water = 0

24hr Snow Total= 0

Trend and Timing:
Sunny dry days and clear nights will continue through the weekend. Morning fog and/or inversion layers may be likely.

Base Area Temperatures (F):
Low: 22 High: 40

Freezing level: 3000’ 5000’

Trend and Timing:
Warm air will invade from the west today allowing freezing levels to rise to or above 5000’. Cool air from the north will bring progressively cooler temperatures to the mountains starting tomorrow.

Winds Speed (mph)/Direction
5-15 WNW

Trend and Timing:
NW flow will be breezy at times influenced by a small system in Canada. No significant wind event expected until this high pressure breaks down early next week.

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